Al Jordan has been interested in birds his entire life. While growing up, he spent hours with his father watching birds at Audubon facilities and hawk migration points in the northeastern United States and Southern Ontario. In 2004, after working long hours in raptor banding stations, Al dove into the world of falconry. He reached acclaimed status of Master Falconer and is one of the most successful falconers on the East Coast. That and his inherent interest and ability uniquely qualify him to capture the essence of all orders of birds in his lifelike sculptures.
As a wildlife artist, specifically a carver, Al has won over 100 Best in Show awards across the country. He won the 2010 IWCA national Shorebird Championship, and in 2008 he won the North American Decorative Shorebird Championship. After winning 1st Best in Show Advanced Division at the Ward World Championships in 2013 and 2015, Al achieved Master Carver status. He has since won 2nd and 3rd Best in Masters and in 2017 took home 3rd Best in World and in 2019 finished 2nd in World miniatures. Al is proud to be among those who have achieved World Championship Carver status. One of his commissions, a life size Golden Eagle in flight, carrying a ground squirrel is exhibited in Alaska’s Denali National Park Visitors Center.
An accomplished and highly sought after judge, Al has officiated at shows all across the country, including the Ward World Championships. His critical eye, knowlede of birds and their anatomy, and high level of craftsmanship enable him to thoughtfully critique any piece. He judges at all levels from Novice to Professional. A gifted teacher, Al willingly shares all of his “secrets” and techniques. Al’s intimate knowledge of bird anatomy enables him to focus on both art and nature. Many of his students have won awards at local and national competitions. Al has written many instrumental carving and painting articles as well as having published a best-selling workshop guide.