Ross Smoker

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Born in Selinsgrove, PA, Ross Smoker has been carving for more than forty years. He was fortunate to be schooled in the art form by his father, Richard B. Smoker, and his brother Richard W. Smoker, making gunning decoys for his rig. He now carves just about anything with feathers. Competition was a step in the progression of his carving, and he has had great experience in competiting and judging competitions all over the country. Carving has been a catalyst to meeting people from all over the country and the world. Ross has the honor of being named a Ward World Living Legend. Ross joins friends in his shop to carve several nights a week and also paints at home. He shares his carving knowledge by teaching seminars, and instructs in venues like the Ward World Championship, and in his shop. Ross lives in Selinsgrove with his wife Sue, dog Tali, and the cats.