Wayne has been sculpting birds for over 30 years. Throughout his career he has mainly concentrated on waterfowl species. However, in recent years he has produced a wide variety of other species including songbirds, raptors, and shorebirds.
Wayne’s interest began with carving working decoys for his father. This progressed quickly to rendering life-like decorative sculptures that were produced for entry into national and international competitions.
Wayne is a well-respected artist among his peers and has placed first and second in show in the Masters division numerous times at the prestigious Ward World Championships. Although Wayne has competed in the World levels before & has placed in the top three, 2010 was his first time to receive the prestigious award of “Best in the World” in the “World Floating Decorative” Division and again in 2013. Wayne’s recognition is not only reflected by his accomplishments in competitions but also by the growing number of works that are displayed in the homes and offices of collectors and appreciators of fine art in Canada and around the world.
Wayne has been a student of nature his whole life. With a college education in forestry, many years of guiding in Canada’s Arctic, and a life-time of bird watching and hunting, you can see this is reflected in his work, making each of his pieces unique and original. He has always followed the advice of his original mentor Al Glassford that was to “sculpt a bird the way you see it not like someone else”.
Wayne works in his studio in Vasey, Ontario, Canada, where he lives with his wife, Annette.