Hutch Decoys Original

Img 1351
Img 1532

The Hutch Decoys Original copyrighted brand was in use in the 1980s and 1990s and owned by Peter Codd (pictured with Brand) . It was burned into wooden decoys and consists of a complete circle in which the words A HUTCH DECOY ORIGINAL *copy write symbol* MARYLAND, U.S.A. appear in capital letters.  Within that is another circle, which depicts within that circle a duck floating in water.  Hutch Decoys are Branded, Dated, and Signed. The Brand belonged to Peter Codd and his only daughter, also a master artist, Sarah Codd.
Peter Codd was educated in England and had formal art training in Lincoln School and Luton College. He was a former brew master and master brewer, who when pressed admitted to four degrees, including one in biochemistry, one in malting and brewing, and 2 in business management.  A talented amateur oil and water color artist, Peter Codd allied his painting hobby with carving when he started carving decoys. When this long time resident of Maryland left corporate life, he discovered a small old decoy making company in Maryland about to fold. The 77 year old owner passed onto Codd all his knowledge plus treasured old Eastern Shore decoys patterns that had been handed down over generations then hung up his knives and Codd took over the company.   Peter Codd made distinctive Chesapeake Bay and Maryland styled decoys with classic shaping and pure line. Each bird was carefully crafted using basswood or sugar pine, then hand finished and hand-painted.   Peter Codd was an expert in pairs, carving both hen and drake in over 20 species, most of these in three sizes: life-size, half-size, and quarter size. He exhibited in East and West Coast shows, at all major decoy festivals, fine art shows, and in Europe.  Peter Codd’s distinctive feather detailing is his signature. His decoys were sought by collectors throughout the United States and overseas in such countries as Japan, England, Australia, Israel, Spain, and Saudi Arabia to name but a few. His decoys were chosen to promote American Tourism in Canada, and graced some of the finest fortune 500 companies boardrooms and corporate gift programs. He worked full time at his craft, and sent out his decoys branded, dated, and signed under the “Hutch” and the “Migrations” trademarks. 
Other Brands on this decoy:
This brand has been identified on the following decoys:
   Maker                                                                         Specie                                                         Drake or Hen
Peter Codd Mallard                                                       Drake
Peter Codd Mallard                                                       Hen
Peter Codd Wigeon                                                       Drake
Peter Codd Wigeon                                                       Hen
Peter Codd Goldeneye                                                 Drake
Peter Codd Goldeneye                                                 Hen
Peter Codd Bufflehead                                                Drake
Peter Codd Bufflehead                                                Hen        
Peter Codd Common Loon                                        unisex   
Peter Codd Swan                                                            unisex
Peter Codd Blue Wing Teal                                      Drake
Peter Codd Blue Wing Teal                                      Hen
Peter Codd Green Wing Teal                                   Drake
Peter Codd Green Wing Teal                                   Hen
Peter Codd Canada Goose                                         unisex
Peter Codd Oriole                                                           unisex
Peter Codd Hooded Merganser                              Drake
Peter Codd Hooded Merganser                              Hen
Peter Codd Canvasback                                              Drake
Peter Codd Canvasback                                              Hen
Peter Codd Sanderling                                                unisex
Peter Codd Sandpiper                                                 unisex
Peter Codd Plover                                                          unisex
Peter Codd Blackduck                                                 Drake
Peter Codd Blackduck                                                 Hen
Peter Codd Woodduck                                                Drake
Peter Codd Woodduck                                                Hen
Peter Codd Pintail                                                          Drake
Peter Codd Pintail                                                         Hen
Peter Codd Ruddyduck                                              Drake
Peter Codd Ruddyduck                                              Hen
Peter Codd Cinnamon Teal                                      Drake
Peter Codd Cinnamon Teal                                      Hen
Peter Codd Redbreasted Merganser                    Drake
Peter Codd Redbreasted Merganser                    Hen
Peter Codd Yellowlegs                                                 unisex
Peter Codd Quail                                                            unisex
Peter Codd Saw whet owl                                           unisex
Peter Codd Snowy Owl                                                unisex
Peter Codd Seagull                                                        unisex
Peter Codd Egret                                                            unisex
Peter Codd Blue Heron                                              
Peter Codd Atlantic Puffin                                        unisex
Peter Codd Redhead                                                    Drake
Peter Codd                   Redhead                                                    Hen
Printed material from Hutch Decoys
Printed material from Migrations
Interviews with Peter Codd
Interviews with Sarah Codd
Waterfowl Art Collectors
Initial Contributor: John Gruen
Additional Contributors: