The brand identifies (check one):
Individual/Hunter Club/Camp X Scow/Yacht
Decoy Maker Collector Other
Type of brand (check one):
Burned x Carved Cold Stamped
Painted Molded (In weight) Other
Detailed description of brand:
The J.L Price brand is a burned brand that identifies a hunting camp/location–in this case a hotel. Letters are 3/8 inches high and 4 ¼ long with a period after the J
and the L. The decoy is from the last quarter of the 19th century.
This decoy is hollow, with two ½ inch dowels holding the body together. This brand
may have been made for the Price’s Hotel in Pleasure Bay, Long Branch, Monmouth
County NJ.
This brand has been identified on the following decoys:
Maker Specie Drake or Hen
Thomas Applegate Bluebill Drake
Barnegat Bay Decoys and Gunning Clubs by Patricia H. Burk
Initial Contributor: Nancy & Rick Fitch
Additional Contributors: