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Carving the Eyes and Bill on a Shorebird Bust with Tommy Stewart: 2025 Ward World’s Class

April 24 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tommy Stewart Bust

**CLASS IS SOLD OUT** —– E-mail gvieira@wardfdn.org to be added to the wait list.

Glass eyes do not need to be your only option in the creative process, join Tommy Stewart and learn how to use a high speed grinder to carve out the eyes and bill of a lesser yellowlegs bust. You will come to understand to process behind the art of carving the eyes and bill from the solid block of wood. Students will take home their own bust at the end of class. Participants should have their own grinder/micro motor system with assorted bits – from the most aggressive ruby, diamond, along with white, blue, or green stone are suggested. A dust collector is also recommended, as well as wearing a mask and goggles to prevent dust inhalation and dust in the eyes.

$100 for Members, $125 for Non-Members

*Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced

*Note: Yellowlegs pictured may not be final representation


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2025 Tommy Stewart Class 4/24/25
Glass eyes do not need to be your only option in the creative process, join Tommy Stewart and learn how to use a high speed grinder to carve out the eyes and bill of a lesser yellowlegs bust. You will come to understand to process behind the art of carving the eyes and bill from the solid block of wood. Students will take home their own bust at the end of class. Participants should have their own grinder/micro motor system with assorted bits - from the most aggressive ruby, diamond, along with white, blue, or green stone are suggested. A dust collector is also recommended, as well as wearing a mask and goggles to prevent dust inhalation and dust in the eyes.
$ 125.00
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