Check out our amazing offering of lectures, workshops, panels, and demos for this year’s Ward World Championship Education Conference! All classes will take place in person in Ocean City, MD. All proceeds benefit the Ward Foundation and the Ward World Championship Carving Competition. Purchase an Education Conference Pass to make the most of the show.
For those that would like to attend a class to further their carving knowledge but have a financial need you can apply for the Dr. Ruth Carroll Memorial Carving Class Scholarship fund. Email to learn how to apply. More details to come.
Demos, Lectures, Workshops
Watch for updates on demos, lectures, workshops, and panels from:
Dick Snyder
Tommy Stewart
Peter Palumbo
Paul Rhymer
Dan Burgette
William Belote
Art Leonard
and MORE!

Individual Costs:
Lectures – $3 Member, $4 Non-Member
Workshops – $20 Member, $25 Non-Member
Panels – $6 Member, $8 Non-Member
What is included with the Education Conference Pass?
Conference Passes are the best way to make the most of the education offerings. These passes will be sold at the show throughout the weekend starting Thursday during registration.
A basic Conference Pass costs $30 for members and $35 non-members. This includes all lectures, plus one workshop and one panel of choice.
A full Conference Pass costs $40 for members and $50 for non-members. This includes all lectures, workshops, and panels.