Interested in joining us as a volunteer at the Ward World Championship Wildfowl Carving Competition & Art Festival, Chesapeake Challenge, or another upcoming programming?
Email: kclattenburg@wardfdn.org
Worlds Volunteer Opportunities
Year-round – Cutting the Youth Silhouettes for events and outreach throughout the year
Set up
Help loading vehicles – Assist with loading vehicles at the office on Mon., time TBD. *Requires heavy lifting.
Load-in assistants: Ensure boxes are taped and secured, and assist staff in loading the truck. *Will require heavy lifting
Volunteers to assist in setting up the competition hall on Wednesday of Worlds Time TBA
Move-In Assistants: Distribute boxes from the moving truck to the appropriate area. *Will require heavy lifting.
Table Set-up Assistants: Set-up Assistants are needed Wed. of Worlds in the morning. Multiple areas of help needed to build risers, put out table cloths, signs, etc. at the Convention Center.
Finishing Touches: small details – signage, booths, etc.
Convention Center Logistics
Competition Registration: Volunteers needed Thursday and Friday morning, of Worlds
Registration: Volunteers give out registration forms and/or track competition on computers.
Registrar: Knowledge of birds’ necessary.
Marker/Tagger: Correctly mark the carvings, so they can be placed in the proper category.
Cashier: Assist collecting money for registered carvings.
Membership: Confirm/sell memberships as part of registration process.
Runner: Transport birds during registration to appropriate tables in competition hall.
Line Director: Facilitate line movement & direct artists
Badge and Material Distribution: Hand out badges and materials.
Information Booth (Lobby): Volunteers familiar with the show are necessary. This booth also serves as Public Relations. Needed weekend of Worlds
Membership Booth: Position requires familiarity with the Museum to sell/renew memberships and sell raffle tickets. Training will be given as needed. Membership Coordinator will be there often for relief. Needed weekend of Worlds.
Volunteer Booth: Help orient volunteers as they arrive. Give them their badge, assignment, and pin. Help fill any volunteer opportunities that may be needed. Needed weekend of Worlds.
Ticket Checkers: Check tickets at arena entrances, greet visitors, and answer questions. Needed weekend of Worlds.
Security: Check tickets at entry to Convention Center in conjunction with ticket checkers. You will be identified as “Show Security” and work under the direction of our hired security company. Needed weekend of Worlds
Auction Preview Security: Assist in security of the Auction Preview items. You will be identified as “Show Security” and work under the direction of our hired security company. Needed weekend of Worlds
Clerk: Assist judges, record results, and place ribbons during judging. Clerks are required to attend a meeting on Friday of Worlds at 8:30 am. Clerks need comfortable shoes. **Clerks and Runners must stay with their judges the entire time. Needed Fri. and Sat. of Worlds. Times vary according to judges’ needs.
Tank Runner: Help move the decoys from the tables to the tanks inside the convention center. Runners need comfortable shoes. **Clerks and Runners must stay with their judges the entire time. Needed Fri. and Sat. of Worlds.
Bay Assistant: Help with moving the decoys that are being judged in Assawoman Bay on Needed Fri. and Sat. of Worlds. Please note day preference.
Exhibitor/Vendor Relief: Sit at vendors’ booths while owners take a break. There will be a sign-up sheet to volunteer for vendor relief at Volunteer Check-In table in lobby. (The vendors will give us their preferred time and we will do our best to fill these requests) Needed Weekend of Worlds.
Ward Decoy Raffle: Outgoing volunteers needed to sell raffle tickets. Needed Weekend of Worlds.
Candid Photographer: Volunteers will take photos of events throughout the Convention Center. Needed Weekend of Worlds.
Photography Helper: Assist photographer in recording pictures, taking orders, etc. Needed Weekend of Worlds.
Merch Assist in Ocean City: Assist customers, bag merchandise, and keep the shop neat. Needed Weekend of Worlds.
People’s Choice: Collect “People’s Choice” awards, count and record. Friday helpers needed to place “People’s Choice” number cards. Flexible hours Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Pop-Up Exhibit Sitters: Sit with the exhibit. The Exhibit will be upstairs in the Convention Center in room 201 Needed Thursday-Sunday.
Education Logistics
Education Booth: Volunteers to sell tickets for seminars and specials, promote offered education opportunities. Needed Thurs & Weekend of Worlds.
Kids’ Corner: Assist in special programs for children. Parents will be expected to stay in the area with their child. . Needed Weekend of Worlds.
Lecture/Workshop Hosts: Greet attendees, check tickets, etc. Needed Weekend of Worlds.
Clean Up
Break Down: Assist in the take down of show on Sunday, after 4 p.m. May involve lifting and carrying heavy or delicate items. Also involves removing tablecloths and other clean up duties that DO NOT require heavy lifting.
Mail-in Entries: Assist Floor Captains with packing Mail-in Entries at close of show. Needed Sunday, after 4 p.m.
Help unload van – Assist with unloading van at the office on Mon., time TBD. *Requires heavy lifting.